The digital orthophotoplan of a surface determined by the terrain is obtained by the method of aerial photogrammetry. The vertical aerial photography on the surface is performed based on a flight agreement issued by MAPN which includes all the data regarding the overflight and photography. Depending on the needs of each client and the purpose of the orthophotoplan, the flight parameters (routes, altitude, speed) and digital picture taking / storage are established and / or calculated.
For absolute image orientation, photogrammetric tracking is required. The operation consists in locating and determining the coordinates of the landmark points on the ground and is performed in the field by topographic methods with total station and GPS - special equipment, approved by the Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology, by connecting with the ROMPOS permanent station system.
The final aerophotogrammetric product (orthophotoplane) is obtained after processing the acquired data. The orthophotoplan-scale photographic map is georeferenced, by assigning real geographical or rectangular coordinates, and is saved in electronic format or printed on an appropriate medium.
Over the map thus obtained are superimposed the auxiliary information consisting of: existing data sets (taken from the client) or data layers resulting from vectorization. The following can be highlighted: road limits, roads, ditches, green spaces, lighting poles, hydrants, gutters, etc.