RENNS - electronic record of roads and administrative addresses with geographical coordinates at the level of each town hall - indispensable for many areas such as: SMURD emergency interventions, GPS navigation, mail and courier, taxi, telecommunications, public utilities, intervention companies, protection and security, will become mandatory for the drafting of addresses in official documents issued by all public institutions.


Consolidation of local agricultural registers data at ATU level (town hall)

  • in a central system,
  • in a standardized, electronic format,
  • in an automated manner as well as secure access to this data, regardless of location, by those who have the right and need to use it and in the form in which they need to use it.

GIS Integrat

GIS projects help to optimize the work of:

  • Realization and implementation of Geographic Information Systems;
  • Creation of the National Electronic Register of Street Nomenclature (RENNS)
  • Digitization of data and their integration in a graphic and textual database;
  • Road traffic optimization;
  • Carrying out flood simulations and flood risk maps;
  • Tracking land behavior, determining landslides;
  • Making the necessary situation plans when designing the details;
  • Realization of the topographic support necessary for the approval of PUGs by ANCPI;
  • The study and conservation of cultural heritage through detailed 3D models, at this step also involves the use of laser scanning technology;
  • Airport works, ensuring the safety of air traffic by conducting obstacle studies;
  • Studies on the dynamics of urban areas;
  • Expropriation for causes of public utility, necessary to achieve objectives of national, county and local interest

Using systems for determining the position and route of underground elements (georadar, electrometry, magnetometry) can be performed to determine the route of urban networks, archaeological sites, groundwater level, etc.


GIS Mobile

Fill in the data related to the buildings, manage the activities on the mobile, now everything is possible through the Geodata mobile application.

Thematic maps

Photogrammetric products obtained from aerial flight (high resolution digital orthophotoplan, digital altimetric model) offer the possibility to quickly and accurately capture information from the field without coming into direct contact with elements in the area of interest (non-invasive method).

  • Cartographic modeling
  • Digital terrain model
  • Digital surface model

Orthophotoplan photogrammetric maps made by our company offer an accuracy of up to 2.5 cm / pixel and can be defined in different reference systems (Stereographic Projection 1970 - model adopted in Romania, Mercator projection with WGS84 datum - typical projection of public maps, or other projections)

Thematic flights

Thematic overflows represent special works, carefully made and planned, which often require special equipment such as:

  • Special aircraft (fixed-wing aircraft for long-distance overflight, multi-rotor aircraft for fixed overflight, etc.)
  • Specific cameras (high resolution, thermal cameras, multispectral cameras, etc.)
  • Special controllers (resistant to high magnetic field, long distances, radio control, etc.)

Thematic overflows allow:

  • Specific technical inspections of utility networks (high, medium or low voltage electrical networks, natural gas distribution networks, etc.)
  • Inspection of agricultural crops
  • Inspection of forest or specific vegetation
  • Detection of heat or gas leaks along utility networks

Georadar scans

The scans performed with the help of the mobile georadar allow the identification and fast location of the routes of the utility networks. Thus, the scans contribute to the reconstruction of the necessary maps for the public administration and the utility providers and the completion of the GIS system.


Data archiving

Geodata Services offers digitization and data integration services, with a proven experience in more than 50 projects for public units.

Transferring data from physical media to digital format is a necessary operation and a first step for digitizing and streamlining public institutions. They pave the way for future software system implementations, with general applicability.

Our projects involve the creation of joint teams with the beneficiary, which ensure the collection, correlation and integration of data such as:

  • PUG / PUZ / PUD
  • Maps, boundaries and heritage inventory
  • Agricultural registers
  • Green space registers
  • Registers of municipal facilities
  • Tax records
  • Register of Road Nomenclature (integrable RENNS ANCPI)



Specialized works

Geodata Services specializes in the services of topography, cadastre, photogrammetry, geodesy and GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

With a vast experience and portfolio in terms of carrying out modern photogrammetry and GIS works, but also other works in the field of geodesy, the Geodata team is based on authorized specialists in carrying out specialized works. Works based on complex measurements, processing and management of large volumes of data to meet the multi-dimensional needs of its customers.

Class 1 authorization recognized by the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising (ANCPI) allows the performance of the following types of works:

  • design, execution and completion of reference geodetic networks;
  • design and realization of photogrammetry works;
  • design and implementation of support networks for specialized works;
  • design and implementation of systematic registration works;
  • making and updating maps;
  • elaboration of the situation plans necessary for the studies and projects in the field of constructions, of urbanism, of the arrangement of the territory, delimitation of the territorial administrative-units;
  • execution of the necessary measurements for the realization or updating of the information systems specific to the field of activity;
  • elaboration of topographic documentations regarding the establishment and evaluation of the lands in the patrimony of the commercial companies with state capital, according to the law;
  • execution of measurements and technical works necessary for the preparation of documentation on expropriation for public utility;
  • design and realization of thickening networks for specialized works;
  • tracing and materializing on the ground the boundaries of buildings and constructions;
  • execution of systematic registration works;
  • preparation of location and delimitation plans;
  • drawing up the situation plans necessary for the pre-feasibility or feasibility studies of local interest;
  • preparation of plot plans;
  • drawing up the situation plans necessary for the removal, rendering or introduction of the lands in the agricultural circuit;
  • the execution of the topographic works necessary for the possession of the holders provided by the laws of the land fund.

The high-precision topo-geodetic instruments available allow the determinations necessary for the works of:

  • Tracing of projected elements in the field (civil engineering)
  • Land and construction monitoring, high precision determination of horizontal and vertical displacements
  • Precise determinations of spatial position.

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